I would like the members of the party to post simple bullet form notes of what they liked, what they enjoyed, and other important bits of info. Posting in character --while fun-- takes too much time and tends to fall by the wayside all too quickly.
This is to keep a tale of the things we had fun with. And some important story notes as well.
- The party beat a group of other nobles led by Bren Garess, for the Writ of Exploration. Fidigen dropped Bren with a shot to the nuts, although the young Garess was gracious after his defeat.
- Wanting to explore the river route, Evangelene tried to butter up the noble who had won that prize, Hannis Drelev, but attempting to do so in front of the man's wife... not the most successful idea.
- The party traveled to Oleg's Trading Post, where they met the owners, Oleg and his wife Patricia. They were under pressure by bandits.
- To defeat the bandits at Oleg's Trading Post, the party turned the post into... a cathouse. In all the reading I've done for this Adventure Path, no one has ever mentioned attempting this. I have a special group of players.
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