Thursday, 29 September 2016

We're not in Kansas anymore... but there is a tornado.

September 24, 2016

Adventuring the Second (2nd session)

  • Since Elzney was busy digging graves for the executed bandits ('cause Mark was out looking for bunnies!), the gang interrogated the remaining bandit.
  • They found out about the Thorn River Bandit Camp, and that it was run by a scary woman named Kressle.
  • Kressle answered to the Stag Lord, apparently a powerful bandit lord in the region.
  • After dealing with the bandit, the gang made swift efforts to go to the Thorn River Camp.
  • The promise of moon radish soup and flowers! were surprisingly strong motivators for the group.
  • Entering into the Narlmarches Forest, the group traversed its very primal emerald depths. Adella (due to her background) found the place filled with the atmosphere of the fey.
  • They discovered the Thorn River and wondered where to search for the bandit camp. Due to some misunderstanding (and DM not being as clear as he should (Bad DM!)), the team missed the camp by heading downstream, out of the hex.
  • Out of the forest the group explored the plains, finding a rickety bridge across the Thorn River. A pair of trolls found them too. (Random encounter for the win!)
  • The trolls started on the south side, (most of) the party on the north. The stupid trolls wrecked the bridge, and were dumped into the water. They swam for the north shore wanting a snack.
  • The party frantically swam to the south shore, and left behind a mule to be hunted by the pissed off trolls. Unfortunately, one of the two supply packs the party hauled across the river was not secured properly and 1/2 the party's equipment was lost.
  • The party explored the south side of the Thorn River, moved back up north, explored that, and then crossed the river (easier this time), and finally found the Bandit Camp.
  • Deciding planning was the way to go, the party came up with a cunning plan. Stalking in at night they had a remarkably good plan to eliminate the camp in stages. Unfortunately, the DM had other ideas (evil, evil ideas) since the random weather generator he was using had decided this evening was a great time for a tornado.
  • Using a cinematically placed wagon, the party split or trapped the bandits, dealing with them as small groups. This allowed them to totally control the encounter... at least until the tornado showed up to make everybody's evening worse.
  • In the end, the tornado was the only significant threat, as the party was quite successful skewering bad guys. Kressle (who spent half the encounter on the ground, out of range, or unable to use most of her party-gutting abilities T_T) decided to go out in a rage and ran into the tornado, demanding the party come get her.
  • "Have fun," the party replied, and dove for shelter as the tornado happily ripped the bandit mid-boss to pieces.
  • After it was all over the party recovered some supplies to help in the building of their nation (when that mini-game starts up). Also, amidst the rubble they might also find something of interest.... but that's for next session.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

The first session

On September 10, 2016 we started a new 4e D&D game, using the Pathfinder Adventure Path, Kingmaker.

I would like the members of the party to post simple bullet form notes of what they liked, what they enjoyed, and other important bits of info. Posting in character --while fun-- takes too much time and tends to fall by the wayside all too quickly.

This is to keep a tale of the things we had fun with. And some important story notes as well.

  • The party beat a group of other nobles led by Bren Garess, for the Writ of Exploration. Fidigen dropped Bren with a shot to the nuts, although the young Garess was gracious after his defeat.

  • Wanting to explore the river route, Evangelene tried to butter up the noble who had won that prize, Hannis Drelev, but attempting to do so in front of the man's wife... not the most successful idea.

  •  The party traveled to Oleg's Trading Post, where they met the owners, Oleg and his wife Patricia. They were under pressure by bandits.

  • To defeat the bandits at Oleg's Trading Post, the party turned the post into... a cathouse. In all the reading I've done for this Adventure Path, no one has ever mentioned attempting this. I have a special group of players.